Years ago, it was planned to find, acquire and install a wall mount Train Station clock on the bottom floor of the Moulin de Rivendell ( Rivendell Mill )'s bottom floor over the kitchen entrance. Never found that clock... for the renovation but, we did find one that would work splendidly, which was installed a year ago. New additions to the renovation, along with a minute progress on the kitchen continuation... required some updated 3d work for the kitchen bar.
While doing the brick layout, I had to visit the original model and found that it too needed some serious updating... so, the Rivendell Mill model is getting some assets added based on the actual changes made on the site in Puidoux Switzerland. This is the new clock.
Seeing the interior design process come together for a renovation the 400 to 500 year old swiss mill is not always straight forward, but building the actual pieces installed (or to be installed) for the 3d model of the mill can sure help in clarifying the vision